
With the aid of this blog, I will document the value of what you walk past in a year. I have noticed many times throughout my life when people would be eyeing a penny or some small change on the ground but appearing somewhat hesitant to pick them up. My belief is that people will see something small on the ground, like a penny, and they will become self conscious. I have been sure for a long time that people nowadays are far too concerned with what others think of them, even if those others are complete strangers. What I plan to show to the world is what they are missing out on due to their insecurity or lack of attention to the things in front of them.

Every time I come across some change on the ground, I will immediately tweet a picture with a small description including the amount and the location of where it was found. The photo will be taken of coin in the exact spot it was found except in the situation where I am putting my life in danger (in occasions where the coins are found in the middle of a busy street, etc.). The other rule I will be following is that I cannot count change that I find in my house or on the property.

At the end of each month I will calculate the total of all that I have found for that month as well as the overall total. I will also be making blog posts when I finding a coin is accompanied with an interesting/funny story.

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